My apologies for the lack of publishing. I have been working on a few things and the time got away from me. A few weeks ago, while exploring the site, I realized that I have an obligation to paid subscribers that has remained unfulfilled. Payment comes with the expectation of exclusive content. To meet that expectation older posts will remain available to only paid subscribers. While that is not exclusive content, it is a unique privilege.
The exclusive content I will offer initially, is related to one of my other projects. About a year ago I started thinking about the idea of “inoculating” kids against the social contagion and mental “virus” of gender ideology. I planned a book, tentatively titled, “Gender for Boys (and the Girls Who Think They Might Be Boys.) It Began: “Gender! What is it?” And concluded: “Nothing real.” That was the book. Although it began as a joke, I realized that it spoke to an actual need and that there was enough substantial thinking to fulfill that need. Boys need a framework for seeing their future that is more fulfilling and reality based than that of gender.
There is a growing movement of parents against the teaching of sex and gender in schools. Many seem to believe that to be sufficient for protecting their children from harmful gender ideology. Even a casual exploration would make clear why the focus on school is insufficient to that aim. The ideas are infused through media promoting drag queens, cartoon led Pride celebrations, and characters for ever younger audiences. States and school districts are making moves to make it less possible for parents to influence school decisions or opt their children out of specific lessons.
This is actually the focus of the piece I’m writing for general publication. We seem to have entered a new phase in the attack on children which more explicitly names concerned parents as enemies. For example, The Southern Poverty Law Center has turned from its historical accounting of white supremacists and neo-nazi groups to warn against the danger of Moms 4 Liberty. Moms 4 Liberty formed to speak out against the harms of the public health response to COVID for children and the dangers of sex and gender taught in school. There seems to be a more concerted effort to separate children from the protective shield of parents as if exposing children to ideas of sex and gender is life sustaining and parental caution deadly. Even when parents manage to impact curriculum officially, teachers may choose to manipulate those curricular expectations and introduce gender ideology under a different name. I would suggest that teachers are far more likely to be fired for refusing to affirm ideas of gender than instituting them against policy.
The larger point that I am making is that it is as impossible to sweep all of this political ideology from the paths of our children as it is to separate oil from ocean after a spill; especially as the oil continues to be deliberately poured by the barrel. It is unavoidable. That is deliberate. Pardon the mixed metaphors, but if it is impossible to control the environment to keep harmful ideologies from taking root because of the intentional overabundance of seed, then make the soil inhospitable. This is what I mean by inoculating against the ideology.
To turn the idea into a book I crowdsourced what boys might need to be immunized against this ideology through public conversations. Armed with my own perspective and these additional observations I wrote the introduction and first two chapters. Based on subsequent conversations, I realized I needed to re-write everything from a slightly different perspective. It is assumed, at least anecdotally, that the growing problem of anorexia in China is due to publications detailing the disorder in the west. Talking about anorexia created an environment ripe for growing the problem there. To be successful I would need to devalue and challenge the idea of gender without mentioning gender. I have finally determined how best to proceed with that limitation and have re-written the introduction. I will publish that as my first subscriber exclusive material.