Well, we've done it. We've finally reached the year 1984. Thank you for this article, it is excellent. When the conservatives said, in 2008, in the infancy of the Obama presidency, that the 'liberal elite' were hellbent on destroying America, I laughed-- and rightfully so. What a stupendously ridiculous machination of the diseased conservative mind... But a mere 14 years later and liberals have run at break-neck speed in the direction of what was *supposed to be* a lie. Astonishingly, Sarah Palin was accidentally both prescient and correct. Educated liberals would rather tear the fabric of reality down the center than acknowledge that, sometimes, people are rejected by society RIGHTFULLY. That no one is obligated to take part in another person's self-esteem. That not all self-expression is created equal. That over-medicating, sexualizing, and physically mutilating sad children is an abomination. That 'woman' has a fixed definition in science. That the hurt feelings of mentally ill perverted males who cosplay as women is not a seismic tragedy for which we should all pay penance. In short, the left has gone insane. They cannot, or will not, recognize and operate within the boundaries of that which IS. Of reality. Rather, these socially inept people are extending the world of childhood make-believe and imaginary friends into the dark domain of the vulnerable, the sexually deviant, and the chronically depressed. And according to the left, we cannot opt out of this game; no, we all have to play along to the disturbed fantasies of the least of us, lest they kill themselves and its 'all our fault." Well, my father, a Nigerian immigrant born in the 40s, told me something when I was a militant teenager that I will never forget:
"If you are lucky enough to be in America, and you can't make it here, kill yourself. Because there's nowhere on earth for you."
My pseudo-militancy never quite recovered. I remembered in that instant that life on earth for most is a far greater degree of suffering than any of us who find ourselves here will ever know. And that my dad had suffered in ways that I never would, and that he would never say. Somehow, before he said it, I had managed to forget. Perspective is key, as they say. So to the democratic leaders and the acolytes of the leftist intelligentsia who threaten us all to 'be kind and toe the line' lest the fragile trannies kill themselves (after 'killing the terfs,' i presume), my only response is this: let them. If they must, let them. It's a small sacrifice for the maintenance of the truth. For the reset of a game we're being forced against our will to play. Let them go and leave the rest of us in peace... before you start a bloody war.
This comment is a tremendous gift. Thank you for such crystalline perfection. The degree to which "materialist" have taken this up whole with no understanding that it is inherently political or examination of the implications for their other professed political goals is shocking. You can't save ppl from themselves without being a part of their psychological framework. This is the Age of Narcissism.
Yes. Someone said we've entered into an "Intellectual Dark Age." How very dark indeed. Well, it's an honor to continue to fight the good fight alongside you on Twitter under my two Nigerian middle names. 😉 Godspeed Brotherbeat.
A rather stern approach to dealing with the transgender phenomenon, but I don't entirely disagree with it. And, granted, I'm being, by design, post politically correct in my comments because I think we all need to get more honest with ourselves and others about how to maintain, or restore, more sanity and mental health to how we all engage this phenomenon.
I, for one, am a fan of more of a balanced expression of gender within each of us as we're able to do so; some of us are more capable of it depending largely on how much inner developmental work we've done over the years. It's my experience and belief that any gender expression lives in each of us, but historically as a species, we've tagged the two ends of the spectrum--masculine and feminine--to the two (obvious) sexes, male and female, otherwise known as men and women.
It's obvious to me that much of the transgender "movement," especially to the extent of having sex-change operations, is driven by confused thinking, that which is more grounded in fantasy and imagination than in reality, rationality, and logic. It's also about not sufficiently understanding how the brain/mind works in forming an identity for generating a functional life for greater wellbeing.
To be clear, I'm not against anyone wanting to be whoever/whatever they want to be including trans-whatever. But it's entirely inappropriate, even mentally and societally destructive, to buy into this phenomenon as something that should be allowed to be pushed on the public (like that tail wagging the dog), especially on our children who's brains are still developing; this is unconscionable.
No, I don't want to see trans people kill themselves, I want them to get expert psychological assistance in understanding their situation; being not that they're born in the wrong body--as if that's even possible--but that they're having a difficult time in their lives, especially with their identity, their sense of self, which needs serious and competent outside attention. And someone needs to help them realize that we're not disrespecting them by taking this approach with them; we're trying to save their lives and help them find more genuine wellbeing, not some pseudo-wellbeing from body mutilation and conflating fantasy/imagination with reality.
There are so many things I have to say about this, but I have a life that I want to attend to. I wish the trans people the best in their identity journey.
Well, we've done it. We've finally reached the year 1984. Thank you for this article, it is excellent. When the conservatives said, in 2008, in the infancy of the Obama presidency, that the 'liberal elite' were hellbent on destroying America, I laughed-- and rightfully so. What a stupendously ridiculous machination of the diseased conservative mind... But a mere 14 years later and liberals have run at break-neck speed in the direction of what was *supposed to be* a lie. Astonishingly, Sarah Palin was accidentally both prescient and correct. Educated liberals would rather tear the fabric of reality down the center than acknowledge that, sometimes, people are rejected by society RIGHTFULLY. That no one is obligated to take part in another person's self-esteem. That not all self-expression is created equal. That over-medicating, sexualizing, and physically mutilating sad children is an abomination. That 'woman' has a fixed definition in science. That the hurt feelings of mentally ill perverted males who cosplay as women is not a seismic tragedy for which we should all pay penance. In short, the left has gone insane. They cannot, or will not, recognize and operate within the boundaries of that which IS. Of reality. Rather, these socially inept people are extending the world of childhood make-believe and imaginary friends into the dark domain of the vulnerable, the sexually deviant, and the chronically depressed. And according to the left, we cannot opt out of this game; no, we all have to play along to the disturbed fantasies of the least of us, lest they kill themselves and its 'all our fault." Well, my father, a Nigerian immigrant born in the 40s, told me something when I was a militant teenager that I will never forget:
"If you are lucky enough to be in America, and you can't make it here, kill yourself. Because there's nowhere on earth for you."
My pseudo-militancy never quite recovered. I remembered in that instant that life on earth for most is a far greater degree of suffering than any of us who find ourselves here will ever know. And that my dad had suffered in ways that I never would, and that he would never say. Somehow, before he said it, I had managed to forget. Perspective is key, as they say. So to the democratic leaders and the acolytes of the leftist intelligentsia who threaten us all to 'be kind and toe the line' lest the fragile trannies kill themselves (after 'killing the terfs,' i presume), my only response is this: let them. If they must, let them. It's a small sacrifice for the maintenance of the truth. For the reset of a game we're being forced against our will to play. Let them go and leave the rest of us in peace... before you start a bloody war.
This comment is a tremendous gift. Thank you for such crystalline perfection. The degree to which "materialist" have taken this up whole with no understanding that it is inherently political or examination of the implications for their other professed political goals is shocking. You can't save ppl from themselves without being a part of their psychological framework. This is the Age of Narcissism.
Yes. Someone said we've entered into an "Intellectual Dark Age." How very dark indeed. Well, it's an honor to continue to fight the good fight alongside you on Twitter under my two Nigerian middle names. 😉 Godspeed Brotherbeat.
A rather stern approach to dealing with the transgender phenomenon, but I don't entirely disagree with it. And, granted, I'm being, by design, post politically correct in my comments because I think we all need to get more honest with ourselves and others about how to maintain, or restore, more sanity and mental health to how we all engage this phenomenon.
I, for one, am a fan of more of a balanced expression of gender within each of us as we're able to do so; some of us are more capable of it depending largely on how much inner developmental work we've done over the years. It's my experience and belief that any gender expression lives in each of us, but historically as a species, we've tagged the two ends of the spectrum--masculine and feminine--to the two (obvious) sexes, male and female, otherwise known as men and women.
It's obvious to me that much of the transgender "movement," especially to the extent of having sex-change operations, is driven by confused thinking, that which is more grounded in fantasy and imagination than in reality, rationality, and logic. It's also about not sufficiently understanding how the brain/mind works in forming an identity for generating a functional life for greater wellbeing.
To be clear, I'm not against anyone wanting to be whoever/whatever they want to be including trans-whatever. But it's entirely inappropriate, even mentally and societally destructive, to buy into this phenomenon as something that should be allowed to be pushed on the public (like that tail wagging the dog), especially on our children who's brains are still developing; this is unconscionable.
No, I don't want to see trans people kill themselves, I want them to get expert psychological assistance in understanding their situation; being not that they're born in the wrong body--as if that's even possible--but that they're having a difficult time in their lives, especially with their identity, their sense of self, which needs serious and competent outside attention. And someone needs to help them realize that we're not disrespecting them by taking this approach with them; we're trying to save their lives and help them find more genuine wellbeing, not some pseudo-wellbeing from body mutilation and conflating fantasy/imagination with reality.
There are so many things I have to say about this, but I have a life that I want to attend to. I wish the trans people the best in their identity journey.